If you would like to advertise and promote your raffle by including details on our 'Raffles on Sale' page please email, supplying the following in formation:

1. Name of Charity or other non-profit organization.

2. Permit number for Raffle, Lottery or Art Union (If Applicable).

3. Number of tickets on sale and cost of tickets (Including details of Bonus Tickets, etc if applicable).

4. Closure date for ticket sales and draw date of raffle..

5. Method of publication of results e.g newspaper, website (publication of results on is free).

6. A description of all prizes including Early Bird prizes, etc.

7. How to purchase tickets (website details, telephone numbers, etc).

8. Contact person/s in your organization (name, email address, phone numbers).

9. Any other relevant information.


Postal Address:

Geoff Carrel

Carrel & Associates

P.O.Box 100

Red Hill South 3937




Data Processing: Alexandra Carrel. 




 ABN: 41 019 332 862